
Health services
London, UK
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Pointmore.AI: Real-Time Medical Content Safety

Investors, picture this: a healthcare system where information is always fresh, accurate, and up-to-date. Pointmore.AI is making that vision a reality, and we're seeking pre-seed funding to take flight.

The Silent Threat in a Massive Market

We all know healthcare is a giant industry, but did you know it gobbles up 10% of global GDP? That's a massive market plagued by a hidden danger: outdated medical content.

Everyone from pharma giants to local clinics creates a constant stream of information that's at risk of going stale thanks to new research, regulations, and best practices.

This outdated content and manual review processes create a triple whammy:

- Patients at Risk: Imagine basing critical health decisions on inaccurate information.
That's the reality with outdated content.
- Insurance Battles: Inaccurate content can trigger denials and costly disputes with insurance companies.
- Legal & Compliance Headaches: New regulations pop up all the time, leaving outdated content non-compliant and exposed to hefty fines.

Pointmore.AI: Your AI-Powered Guardian Angel

We're a startup fuelled by cutting-edge AI, tackling this critical challenge head-on. Our B2B SaaS platform scans content in real-time, highlighting areas impacted by new data and helping teams by suggesting targeted updates. Think of it as an untiring watchdog for your medical content.

Benefits You Can Bank On:

Reduced Risk: Minimise legal and safety risks associated with outdated information.
Cost Savings: Streamline content management and avoid costly rework.
Peace of Mind: Focus on what matters most – patient care – knowing your content is accurate.

The Impact is Real:

Pointmore.AI empowers the healthcare sector to deliver consistently accurate, up-to-date information.

This translates to:

- Improved Patient Outcomes: Empowered patients make better decisions.
- Enhanced Trust: Accurate information builds trust between patients, providers, and everyone involved.
- Operational Efficiency: Streamlined content management for healthcare organisations.

Our Mission: Building a Smarter Healthcare Future

We're passionate about creating a world where healthcare information is constantly reliable. This isn't just about compliance – it's about revolutionising healthcare by ensuring every decision is based on the latest knowledge.

Bringing Experience To the Table

As the founder, Fred Cornell brings 25 years of internet operations experience, with a particular focus on healthcare information management. Fred will put medical safety and trust at the heart of his team building efforts.

Join us in Building a Healthier Tomorrow

Pre-seed funding will allow us to:

- Craft a Killer MVP: Focus on building a core solution that validates market need before adding features.
- Learn From the Best: We prioritise gathering user feedback to continuously improve.
- Partner with Visionaries: Secure early adopters amongst forward-thinking healthcare organisations to showcase Pointmore.AI's impact.

Investing in Pointmore.AI isn't just about returns, it's about investing in a safer, more efficient healthcare system for everyone.

Let's discuss how Pointmore.AI can revolutionise medical content management.

Contact us today!

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Exploring new horizons? Dive into the depths of knowledge with us. Feel free to reach out – Your questions fuel our journey.